A Day Of Zen
Saturday, March 22nd, 8:45 am – 5 pm

Come join us for a day of Zen practice, when a small group of monks and nuns from the German Zen Association visit Aarhus in order to introduce the wonderful practice of Zen-meditation. 


Zen is a Japanese form of buddhism, focusing on the practice of meditation — or as the zen-insiders would say; “just sitting”. 

When “just sitting” we let go of unnecessary habits and  ambitions; we stop trying to be something that we are not, and instead aim at just being ourselves. 

It is exactly as challenging as it sounds, but less so with the proper instructions and when practiced in a group. 

If you are interested in letting go and just being, if you want to spend a day meditating with experienced practitioners, and maybe get some answers and some guidelines for practicing meditation at home – come join us in Beder on the 22nd of march for a day of Zen practice

Teachings will be in simple and easily understandable english. 

The day will consist of:
* A practical introduction to Zen meditation (zaren)
* Sitting- and walking meditation
* Preparation of lunch and snacks
* Questions and answers.

Please note: There will be a lot of sitting (!) When you sign up, please let us know, if you want to sit on the floor or on a chair.You do not need to bring your own meditation cushion.

Please wear comfortable, dark/neutral clothes.

Program for the Day

8:45 – Doors open
9:00 – Welcome & instructions for practice
9:30-11:00 First practice period (sitting (app. 2×40 min.),  and walking meditation (app 10 min.))
11:00 – 11:20 tea Break
11:20-12:00 Second practice period.
12:00-13:30 Lunch (vegan)
13:30-14:00 Pause/Walk
14:00-15:30 Third practice period
15:30-15:45 Pause
15:45- 17:00 Q&A 

From our Day of Zen in October 2024


The event is donation based.
We suggest a donation of 250-500 DKK // 30-65 €  for the day
If you can afford it, you are welcome to give more. If you cannot afford it at all, let us know, and we will make arrangements, so you can join anyway.
Sign up to jacob@aremark.dk
The day takes place in a private home at Byvej 19, 8330 Beder

About the teachers

The teachers have been students of Zen since the early 90’s in the lineage of L.Tenryu /Taisen Deshimaru Roshi. 

Interested in regular Zen practice in Beder?
Please follow this link